
23-05: Resolution to Support the Governor’s Recommendation to Exclude Grizzly Bear Encroachment Into Eastern Montana

Therefore, it be resolved: MACD supports the State of Montana and the Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks efforts to delist the grizzly bear and return its management to the state wildlife agency. Be it further resolved: MACD will also support Governor Gianforte’s efforts to exclude eastern Montana from any grizzly bear recovery plans.

19-04: Declare Wolves a Predator in Eastern Montana

WHEREAS, Conservation Districts are legal subdivisions of the State of Montana; and 

WHEREAS, the declared policy of the Montana Conservation District Law includes, “…to preserve wildlife, protect the tax base, protect public lands and protect and promote the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the state” (75-15-102 MCA); and

21-04: Resolution to address stock water rights on federal grazing district allotments

WHEREAS, Conservation Districts are legal subdivisions of the State of Montana; and 

WHEREAS, the declared policy of the Montana Conservation District Law includes,

“. . .to preserve wildlife, protect the tax base, protect public lands and protect and promote

the health, safety, and general welfare of the people of the state” (75- 15-102 MCA); and

21-05: Resolution Opposing the Federal Government’s “30×30” Land Preservation Goal

WHEREAS The Montana Conservation Districts are mandated by statute (75-15-102 MCA) to protect the soils, water, citizens, and economic base of Montana; and

WHEREAS, Montana is a large state containing approximately 94,105,600 Million acres of land. The primary economic drivers are farming, ranching, and multiple use of Federally owned lands. Many of these farms and ranches depend on grazing permits on Federal lands to be viable. We assert that cooperative management of these lands by farmers and ranchers and the federal agencies at a local level is more beneficial to the environment than “Preservation,” and

19-06: Requesting the BLM Deny the American Prairie Reserve Proposal to Remove Interior Fences and Graze Bison/Buffalo Year Round

WHEREAS , when the Lewis and Clark “Corps of Discovery” traveled up the Missouri River through northeastern Montana in the spring of 1804 they encountered immense herds of wild ungulates.  They also recorded very poor range conditions and severe erosion in the vicinity of the river; and

13-03: Wild & Free Roaming Bison

WHEREAS, MCA 76-15-102, which is the Montana Association of Conservation Districts Declaration of policy, states “It is hereby declared to be the policy of the legislature to provide for the conservation of soil and soil resources of this state, for the control and prevention of soil erosion, for the prevention of floodwater and sediment damages, and for furthering the conservation, development, utilization, and disposal of water and thereby to preserve natural resources, control floods, prevent impairment of dams and reservoirs, preserve wildlife, protect the tax base, protect public lands, and protect and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the people of this state.”

Each year, MACD’s member districts are invited to craft and submit resolutions that will help direct the advocacy and policy work of the Association on specific natural resource issues. Through the resolution process, districts are able to provide the Association with direct input on natural resource topics of high interest or concern at the local, regional, state, and/or national level.